What is Homeopathy?

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What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a unique system of medicine accepted by hundreds of countries and millions of people worldwide that utilizes extremely diluted doses of potentized plant, animal, mineral, and chemical substances to gently stimulate the immune system to heal the body. These nano-medicines are commonly referred to as remedies.


This 200 year old medical art was designed by the freethinking German physician Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) after becoming disenchanted with the contemporary medical practices of his day. Staying true to his character, he preferred a more natural and affectionate, “do no harm” approach to healing the whole person both physically and psychologically. 


The practice of homeopathy embodies this philosophy by using Hahnemann’s “law of similars” meaning like cures like. This principle was conceived when Hahnemann, after experimenting on himself, noticed that ingesting various substances in undiluted form created similar symptoms to that of certain diseases. The word homeo means same and pathy or pathos means suffering or disorder. So we have the meaning same-disorder. 


By utilizing these remedies derived of a substance that, in it’s whole form would bring about illness or disease in a person, we can actually generate a healing response from the body without any toxic side effects. This renders homeopathy a prime choice of medicine for children and adults alike.


With modern drugs producing serious side effects, homeopathy offers a safe alternative. During our current epidemics of opioid addiction and antibiotic resistance the general public is becoming more health conscious and concerned. There has been a surge in focusing on food quality, sustainable agriculture, and minimizing pollution. 


With the costs of modern drugs ever-increasing, people are seeking ways to cut costs, and find a more personalized form of treatment, to which homeopathy meets all of these requirements, providing a natural medicine that is safe, producing no toxic side effects, it is non-addictive, inexpensive, and heals the body and mind as a whole.


We’re proud to be a part of the movement surrounding homeopathy in the US today by making these valuable remedies available to you and, as always, we are dedicated to educating you and providing guidance on your path to optimal health.

Please reach out to info@taprootsva.com with any questions you may have regarding how to use homeopathy for your everyday practical needs and browse our remedies   https://taprootsva.com/shop/ols/categories/homeopathic-medicines. You’ll see just how easy it is to start incorporating homeopathy into your life!

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