Homeopathy vs Herbalism

We notice a lot of people tend to think that Homeopathy is a sub-category of Herbalism, and at first glance, we can see how that would happen: You walk into the store in search of something natural to help you feel better, so you go to the herbal supplement aisle and right next to it is the homeopathic section. You see the little vials filled with tiny sucrose pellets labeled with Latin names and you automatically assume they are all plant names and that homeopathy is just an extension of herbalism, but they are two very different systems of healing. Both have proven their worth and have shown to be useful applied in conjunction with one another, but let’s clarify the differences:
Herbal Medicine is defined as the art or practice of using herbs and herbal remedies to maintain health and to prevent, alleviate, or cure disease. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/herbal%20medicine#medicalDictionary
Herbal medicine is plant-based using various methods to extract plant parts (roots, flowers, leaves) either dried or fresh, depending on the herb and the specific chemical constituents an herbalist is seeking to utilize for different medicinal uses. https://nimh.org.uk/herbalism/
WE LOVE HERBALS TOO! More on that towards the end... ;) but first,
Homeopathy is defined as a system of medical practice that treats a disease especially by the administration of minute doses of a remedy that would in larger amounts produce in healthy persons symptoms similar to those of the disease. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/homeopathy
HERE’S AN EXAMPLE: the remedy Allium cepa, which is the scientific name for onion, is a wonderful choice for symptoms presenting as a runny nose with clear discharge, sneezing, and watery eyes, such as the beginning phase of the common cold or during allergies. We know that when we are cutting onions, due to it’s chemical constituents, we get the same symptoms of water eyes, a runny nose, and even sneezing can accompany this reaction. This is how the law of similars is applied. We would choose allium cepa for colds and allergies presenting the same symptoms.
Homeopathic medicines are created in a very precise process from an extract of a substance whether it be from animal, plant, chemical, or mineral. The substance is finely crushed and extracted using grain alcohol and/or water. This extract is then diluted in a mixture of alcohol and water or lactose, and this process of dilution is repeated until the desired level of potency is achieved. After each dilution phase the mixture is shaken vigorously to agitate the structure of the medicine, this is called succussion. When the desired potency level has been achieved this liquid remedy solution is then sprayed or poured onto the pellets and allowed to absorb into them making them ready for our use. https://www.theaahp.org/consumer-information/faqs/
Since homeopathy was birthed out of the law of similars that like cures like, it is this principle that truly defines homeopathy and sets it apart from other alternative medicines, such as herbalism. We’d also like to acknowledge that homeopathic remedies are manufactured in strict accordance with the U.S. FDA-recognized Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States and pharmaceutical Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). Even the World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes homeopathy as the second largest medical system for primary healthcare in the world. https://www.theaahp.org/consumer-information/faqs/
Though homeopathy and herbalism are so different from each other, we highly value both of these alternative systems in our lives and enjoy the ability to choose which one suits our situation best. Both empower us to take the art of healing into our own hands and reclaim our health naturally.
BROWSE OUR HOMEOPATHIC SECTION https://taprootsva.com/shop/ols/categories/combo-remedies
for popular combination remedies that suit an array of symptoms from sleep deprivation to seasonal allergies and the occasional summertime boo-boos for your little ones!
BROWSE OUR HERBAL TEA LINE https://taprootsva.com/shop/ols/categories/tea
We are super excited to have launched the TapRoots Herbal Tea Line ( WITH and with-out CBD! ). We have carefully curated our herbal blends to produce high quality, all natural brews for your purpose and pleasure. You choose which blend fulfills your necessities! And please, share your experience with us, we can’t wait for you to tell us what you think!