Back to School Anxiety?

Heading back to school can bring on many different feelings as we gear up for the structured schedule, homework, studying, and the emotional ups and downs as we enter the unknowns a new school year can bring, especially this year.
2020 may feel like a real challenge as the pandemic continues to change and shape our future. Parents and students alike are feeling more anxious anticipating what this new school year will look like.
Homeopathy can help during this adjustment period, and we’re highlighting the remedies that are known to promote restful night’s sleep, ease anxiety, power up the brain, and calm the nervous system. The best part - homeopathic remedies can be used for adults or children.
- Arsenicum Album: Experiencing loss of sleep. Restless trying to get everything ordered in their mind. May move from place to place during the night, tends to be chilly by nature, tends to be thirsty for small sips of water at regular intervals.
- Cocculus: Someone who is deprived of sleep such as a caregiver. Feeling exhausted, weak, mental fog, may also be sad, moody, silent.
- Coffea Cruda: Wakeful and may be somewhat excited, an unusually active mind- full of ideas, racing thoughts. Feeling as though they have consumed a strong cup of coffee without actually having done that.
- Pulsatilla: Separation anxiety, cries a lot, does not want to be alone. Usually shy by nature and has a fear of separation.
- Ignatia: Angry at having to go to school/work, uncontrollable sobbing, may not want consolation. Less fear of separation, more sadness at leaving.
- Lycopodium: Terrified of class presentations, not sleeping well the night before. Very stressed before exams. Perfectionist, overly concerned of what parents and teachers think of them. Low self-confidence, bossy by nature. When stressed they have digestive problems.
- Gelsemium: taken right before a presentation, performance, or exam to calm the jitters.
- Kali phos: Mental exhaustion. Physical and intellectual fatigue due to overexertion or worry accompanied by headaches. Irritable, shy, nervous, insomnia from worry.
- Baryta Carb: Focus. Children with weak memory and lack of concentration, lack of confidence, weak both mentally and physically. Takes a long time to comprehend a topic and they have to keep reading the topic again and again.
- Phosphorus: Focus. Lack of concentration due to play. Delicate, thin, tall and lean, fearful, forgetful, restless, very sensitive, playful. Desires juices, fruits and cool drinks. Talks to everyone and makes friends easily.
- Mag Phos: tired, exhausted, feels debilitated during studies, can not bear mental exertion, inability to think, sleeplessness due to indigestion.
Starting the new school year in 2020 may seem daunting, but we are fortunate to have these single remedies at our fingertips as well as many combination remedies to help ease into our new schedules and navigate through the changes in a healthful way gaining some peace during the transition.
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TapRoots' experts are not medical doctors or practitioners. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness which is an educational process, not a medical one. TapRoots' owners believe in seeking advice from a holistic physician. Claims are based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease