Alternative Help for Kids During Quarantine
5 mins to read

Kids have been out of school for months, and many don't know how to communicate their feelings about this pandemic. Quarantine has been difficult for moms, dads, our little ones, too.
We are asked by parents, who are looking for effective, natural antidepressants, whether homeopathy can help their emotionally distressed child. The answer is, yes, and without side effects. Homeopathic medicines are non-toxic, affordable, easy-to-take, and individualized to match a person's full set of symptoms including physical, mental, and emotional. Mom or dad might want to start themselves on Ignatia amara to ease their own mind while helping their child.
If you're new to homeopathy, you may not know where to start. Be sure to read to understand what homeopathy is and check out the free resources included at the bottom of that page to learn how to use it.
If you're familiar with homeopathy, remember, each homeopathic medicine can be used for multiple conditions. Keep reading for some of the most common indications we would choose each of the following remedies. The frequency of each dose depends on how severe your child's condition is.
Children are resilient. Let's jump into some excellent homeopathic choices for emotionally distressed kids during this pandemic:
1. Aconitum napellus (known as Aconite)
sudden anxiety, panic, or fear, shocking news or incident, best used in first 24-48 hours of sudden onset
2. Argentum nitricum
anxiety due to uncertainty, fearful or nervous about common things
3. Chamomilla
irritable, very angry, tantrums, difficulty sleeping, teething pain with a lot of crankiness
4. Ignatia amara
greatly disappointed, sighs, sobs, sensitive, fearful, angry, depressed, grieves from losing a loved one, emotionally fragile
5. Lycopodium
bossy but lacks confidence, insecure, fearful of new situations
You are now on your way to a healthier, happier child. Be sure to check with your child's doctor if you are very concerned about your child. Continue to let us know what you would like to hear more about. We look forward to serving you and your family well. Learn more at
At TapRoots, we're rooting for you! We are in this together.
Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated. This information should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease on your own and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. As always, please consult with your Medical Doctor before starting any new medications. We strongly suggest consulting a professional Homeopath if you think homeopathy is right for you.